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Browsing articles tagged with " me"
Jul 2, 2009

“A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away…” switching to Mac

Well, maybe not so long ago and well, to be honest not really that far way, but, back in the UK when I started at Cumbria College of Art and Design (now part of the University of Cumbria) in 1989 my first dabblings with computers was with a Macintosh.

I remember that the college had 4 of them to share between c.400 students.  An unthinkable ratio nowadays no doubt.  But back then few people used them (or even knew what they were for I suspect) and I had one of them pretty much all to myself.  As I was studying graphic design at the time, I spent endless hours learning and working with probably some of the earliest versions of Adobe Pagemaker, Freehand and Photoshop.  All in black & white of course and probably on some ridiculously small screen by modern terms.
Unbelievably I still have some of the work that I did on those macs all those years ago 🙂

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Jul 1, 2009

Time to blog…

In recent months time has been short due to demanding projects, so blogging has been the last thing on my mind.  I have also discovered twitter so that has been the focus of my quick comments (when I feel that I have had anything to say)
Quite a few things have been going on here:

  • moved over to a mac from the old pc – something I have wanted to do for years and now can’t quite rememeber ehy I didn’t do it ages ago….
  • Gabinohome version 5 which I develop has been released with new functions, more ajax (where needed) and better google maps search.
  • Having done a lot of my own javascript and used many of the dhtmlgoodies scripts, I have moved over to use the mootools javascript library.  I still help out on the dhtmlgoodies forum when I get a chance.
  • Reveamped my own website though that is an ongoing proccess….
  • Other web development as ever and many ideas for more personal (web) projects.

But I now thinkk that it is time to get this blog back up and running, let’s see if this time round I can make it happen.

Oh yes, and I really must get a template for this blog 😉